Monday, 26 March 2012

What techniques does the text use to engage the audience?

The Kony 2012 advertisement uses many techniques in order to engage the target audience. At the equilibrium of the advertisement (Todorov’s theory), the institution engages the audience through the use of text. The use of white font contrasted with the black background creates enigma, whilst hinting to the audience that this is a very serious subject. The colours white and black could connote Strauss’s theory of Binary opposition good vs. evil. The black connoting evil (Kony), and the white connoting the innocent children Kony abducted.
The male voiceover of the leader David’s, talks in a monotonus, sombre tone which connotes that he’s trying to inform and educate (uses and gratifications theory) the audience on a serious subject. The use of the male voiceover could connote the “Voice of God” narration which is used in order to anchor the images and text. The way David is also an American could connote capitalism whilst could connote the institution using this to promote hegemonic values. The use of the male American voiceover could also connote patriarchal values and Americanization because he’s conveyed as an independent dominant male. If the institution had used a female voiceover, the audience would be able to view the subject as more sympathetic and caring, but the way they’ve used a male voiceover could connote they are trying to give the audience a dominating and powerful approach. They are trying to state the facts, what they do and how we can help.

As we are introduced to our narrator David, we are let into the journey of his life, from the birth of his son to what life he wants for his son when he’s older. The short scene where we get a point of view shot of his wife having their little boy Gavin, could connote to the audience that he’s trying to get us involved and emotionally attached with him. The use of the point of view shot is almost as if we are the women giving birth which also gives us a sense of realism as if we are intentionally being placed in her shoes.  The images and shots convey him as the perfect “father figure”. An example of this is of the medium shot of David wrestling with his son Gavin. The audiences are also able to view David as a reliable narrator, whilst allowing the audience to self-identify with him because he’s a father who wants the best for his children in the future.

The close up to medium shot of the globe connotes an iconic symbol of humanity, whilst giving the audience the sense that the advertisement is targeted globally. The beginning of the advertisement conveys close up and medium shot images of people hugging and embracing each other connoting that the institution are about to approach a more sensitive emotional subject. The words “Humanities greatest desire is to belong and connect” hint to the audience that the institutions are trying to target a wide range of audiences, especially by the way the people embracing each other are all different races and ages. An example of this is the black women picking up the black little girl for a hug. Not only is this used to engage psychographic groups, but to introduce the use of Face book which is an e-media platform that is used globally. The connotations behind this is that the voiceover is trying to convey that technology has become advanced by the way he says: “Now we see each other, we share what we love and reminds us of what we all have in common and this connection is changing how the world works.” The use of the e-media platform connotes that the institutions are trying to connote that these platforms such as; you tube, face book, twitter and technological devices are bringing the whole world a lot closer today through the use of globalisation, giving us a sense of McLuhan’s Global village theory. However, the close up shots of people using these technological devices connotes that these e-media texts and technology has reached a wide range of people worldwide. The use of characters of all ages, for example: the old couple trying to take a picture and the little girl saying I love you to her grandma, further connotes that people have become much more familiarized with these e-media texts whilst also connoting how we’ve become independent on these uses of technology every day of our lives. Also the institution plays a few different ranges of you tube video’s. For example, the little boy preaching about riding a bike which was considered as humorous and funny, whilst the other video of a deaf girl being able to hear again takes an entirely different approach and enables the audience to sympathize with her emotionally. This could connote that these websites as well as you tube video convey memories, some good some bad (Strauss’s theory of binary opposition) and that just like in real life technology allows us to capture those precious moments and keep them. The constant click of the close-up screen and the clicking of the share button (lean-forward media) gives us a sense of the hypodermic model and connotes that we should share this information on Kony and that if we do, this will then lead to the viral campaign. The way the institution uses these sad clips connotes that they want us to sympathize and connect with the characters and then use our sympathy to switch us on to the main focus of their subject.

The use of montage clips of the Arab spring protests and government could connote that the institution are trying to convey a political approach whilst using them to make the subject look more serious and as if they are trying to include these political people. The news footage is used not only to give us a sense of being “hard news” but could also connote that their trying to capture political events and wars and bring them together as one. This also gives the audience a sense of self-identification as we are all part of the society as well as trying to inform us of protests taking place worldwide. This then links to the protests of Kony that is taken place in Washington later in the advertisement.

The use of the David’s child within the advertisement gives the audience a sense of the topic being more personal to our narrator. Whilst, also allowing us to view aspects of his personal life and how he brings it into his work. The use of the high key lighting around the child connotes innocence, whilst when the camera then zooms into Kony’s face (as the little boys looking at it) gives the audience of Strausses theory Binary opposition good vs. evil. The innocence of the child and the evil of Kony. The fact that it’s our narrator’s child connotes that David wants us to view the topic from his perspective and from an innocent child’s perspective especially by the direct mode of address given by the child. He’s also trying to convey the innocence of a child brought up in an “Unfair” world, not knowing anything about what’s happening in the world. The way David says: “they take children just like Gavin” could be connoting that we see David’s son as a typical boisterous little boy with a happy childhood and loving parents. Then, contrasting this to Africa where the girls become sex slaves and the boy become young soilders connotes that whilst Gavin has his freedom and a childhood, these other children in Africa don’t

The countdown of the clock could connote that there’s urgency for time and that time is running out for us to help these people capture Kony. Whilst, the non-diegetic parallel sound creates the sad atmosphere that the advertisement is trying to convey. An example of this is the close up of Jacobs crying with his head in his hands. The slightly paced zoom in shot combines well with the sad ethereal music, making the audience feel even more sympathetic with Jacob.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

3. Media institution: What sort of technology does the media institution use in order to convey the audiences interest.
The media institution has used technology within the programme in order to convey the audience’s interest.  During 14:42 seconds the institution provides the audience with a close up shot of the computer screen and someone making a facebook group encourages people to join the viral campaign of Kony 2012. The reason for the institution using facebook could connote that not only do many people worldwide have access to face book but that it reaches a wider targeted audience of all ages. The use of facebook would make more of an impact because facebook is hugely popular and then many of the users join facebook groups every day. There’s also the fact the e-media platform is getting increasingly popular by the minute so by using this, could connote that the information about Kony 2012 will get across to many people much faster than using another media platform. This also enables the audience to self-identify with these e-media websites as most audiences use them too, whilst also being aware of how making groups can have an impact if seen by people globally. Using social networking sites could also be connoted to be targeting the “younger generation”. This is because younger audiences are able more familiarized with new modernized technology and spends more time using the web. This could then further connote that the institutions are trying to target a wider audience and that even the younger generation can take part and help.
A few seconds later YouTube videos are shown to be posted up a social networking site to show people that people worldwide were getting involved ( “We got creative and we got loud”) in the Viral campaign to bring down Kony.  An example of this is the video conveying the protesting in America which connotes how this topic is being virally campaigned globally. The use of the media institution using YouTube in order to make their campaign travel could connote that not only are the institutions trying to preach to the people about Kony but they want the audience to be able to visualize and see what Kony is also doing to the people. YouTube is a very popular video website and a video is uploaded worldwide every few seconds so the media institution knows that using this site will help target a wider range of audiences.
Moving image is also conveyed as David tells the audience that they wanted to show what “Kony had really done to people like Jacob”. The way that people globally have come to watch not only emphasizes how much of a sensitive topic this is but also connotes that people aren’t fully aware of the impact Kony has done to the people of Uganda. The shots of the moving image are set in low-key lighting in order to convey the horrific atmosphere of watching the Ugandan children cry out in pain. A few seconds after the moving image shop, a lady is conveyed to be crying. This then further connotes how the technology used can help the audience visualize what the victims have to through in Uganda.
The way a Ugandan women is seen to be holding a small portable radio to be informed and education (uses and gratifications) about the news in Uganda connotes that technology is also used in Uganda but that in contrast to the UK, its years behind. This also connotes that these people, in these living conditions also depend on technology as a way of receiving information and that technology is still needed by many people worldwide even if their civilization is crumbling underneath their feet.
Towards the end of the three minutes the male voiceover informs us how they built an Early warning Radio Network to protect villages of Kony’s attacks connotes how strong Kony is getting but also how the Americans have upheld a lot more power in Uganda and have even been able to make their own network. The wide medium shot of map spreadsheet of Uganda highlights all of the places the network reaches which also connotes how technology can be seen as such a powerful tool once everyone gets together and takes action, whilst also connoting that the Americans and Ugandan people are depending on technology as a way to communicate with each other and to be informed and educated about Kony’s whereabouts.
Overall most of the three minutes are used through close up shots of a computer screen which connotes that the audiences are getting most of their information online.

2 . How are people represented in the program?

People in this program are represented as being independent. An example of this can be 14.53 in to the program. Audiences can see that the young woman is emotionally damaged from what she has seen, audiences can see this through dialogue: “I have friends that have been living in conflict for their entire life...” This program represents young adult who are actually caring for the outer world and are trying to do something about the viral campaign. The program has used young adults which is beneficial as they can identify (Uses and Gratification -Blumler and Katz) with the specific age and style.  This program represents young teenagers and adults taking part, which connotes that even though they have the representation of being cool they still care for what is happening around the globe.

However, another way people are represented in this ad is being carless. People who are materialistic, have high status in society and are the highest in the socio-economic are portrayed as being helpless. An example of this can consist through voice over at 14.08 seconds into the ad: “No administration, republic and democrat, bush, Obama, Bush… would not do enough because it’s simply not enough important issue on the rate R screen on American screen policy. This connotes that people who have heard from millions of people about what Kony is doing is till represented as an unserious issue. This makes the audiences feel that sympathetic as it may encourage them to help.

Another way people in this program are represented as being affected by the viral.  An example of this can be 14.38 minutes into the program, the young black ethnic lady is crying. This connotes that even though the event is in Uganda people around the globe still care for the people there. This can be seen as identification and the audiences being informed (Uses and Gratification) as they may have cousins, friends or family members there. Also, this connotes that Kony has made people affected by his negative persona. As they have killed innocent people, people in this program are represented as a caring youth who will actually do something about this serious issue. An example of this can consist 16.56 minutes into the ad as people are shouting: “We’ve seen these kids…we’ve heard their cries…this war must end…we will not stop…we will not fear….we will fight war…!” This informs (uses and gratification) the globe that the youth will do anything for this war to stop and will not fear. This connotes that even though Kony has weapons and people to back him up the youth will do enough to help. The audiences can see that even though this incident hurts them there are still a lot of smile on people’s faces.

Finally, the program represents binary opposition (Levi-Strauss). This is because Kony is bad (villain) and the society is right (hero) (character types Vladimir prop). An example of this can consist 17.08 minutes in to the ad, the wide establishing shot connotes that there are thousands of people who want to help other. This represents people as being helpful and supportive.  In contrast, Kony is being represented as the villain; an example of this can consist through people shouting: “we will not fear….we will fight war!” This represents Kony as being a person with no human feelings and is killing innocent people.

4. Audience: On the basis of this program, who does this program appeal to?
The media institution not only focuses on the people taking part in the viral campaign against Kony, but also the victims and people that are in Uganda. This could then connote the communication between two countries (America and Uganda) that are across the world from each other but are bringing both societies together and coming forward in order to take action against Kony.
1. What techniques does this program use to inform the audience of the subject?
Firstly, this program uses a variety of different shots to inform the audiences of the subject. An example of this can consist 16.29 minutes in to the programm and 15.44 minutes into the ad. The wide establishing shot creates a sense of community and civilization which therefore connotes that the people are serious and devasted, therefore, they will do anything to help. This helps the audiences to be informed about the subject as they can see one black ethnic background person standing on the stage, putting his message across therefore this informs the audiences (Uses and Gratification by Blumler and Katz) that thi program will contain some serious action and will be about some sort of viral that has affected millions of people. Another example of a shot used is close ups. and example of this is

Monday, 19 March 2012

4 Targets

Exam Based:

1)Use more theories within my essays.
2) Use more media terminology, making sure I used it accurately.
3)Practice writing in timed conditions.

Coursework based3)finish my print work
work on empire magazine
finish editing trailer- Inner redemption

General4)Keep to my deadlines

Friday, 9 March 2012

Ÿ  Codes and conventions: What techniques does he ad use to persuade the audience to consume the Guardian?

The narrative (theory by Todorov) in the trailer, focuses on the foreground of the children’s tale “The three little pigs”. However, the typical tale is somewhat twisted to convey how the pigs are considered the “baddies” and the wolf as the victim. This not only creates a sense of strauss’s theory of  Binary opposition (good. Vs. evil). Although the denotation focuses on a children’s tale, semiotically the connotations behind this story focuses on the political issues of “failing to pay monthly bills”, “committing “Insurance fraud” and “Homeowners rights to protect their properties”, whist depicting what happens when the innocent is wrongly accused by the government (I,e the three little pigs as the victims and the wolf as the government.) The Guardian newspaper has not only used this to convey the controversy of this subject but to advertise the newspaper by showing that the guardian focuses on real life serious political issues that then cause cracks and flaws in the foundations they live in. They are trying to show that these real ordeals happen everyday and the Guardian using this sensitive subject connotes how sophisticated  and mature they are. This also allows the audience to be informed and educated (uses and gratifications Blumler and Katz) about this topic, whilst allowing particular audiences to self-identify with similar experiences that are becoming hugely popular in England, further connoting a sense of realism, allowing the audience to sympathise with the innocent pigs (Hyperdermic syringe innoculation).

There are many techniques the ad uses in order to persuade the audience to consume the guardian. One of them is conveying “The Guardians” popularity through the use of different media products. In this trailer, the institutions have depicted “The guardian” through e-media platform. This not only connotes to the audience that “The Guardian” have become up to date with recent technology but connotes that they are trying to target a wider range of audiences. A few years ago, The guardian was only viewed through the use of print and was considered as a newspaper that targeted older audiences. However, now that they have started to inform and educate their readers online, connotes that they are also trying to target a younger audience too. An example of this is in 0.44 secs of the trailer where the medium shot splits into different sections conveying  younger people accessing “The Guardian” online. This not only connotes the popularity of lean-forward readers who are being informed and educated about these issues but the use of the logo right at the end of the trailer saying: “The Guardian, web/print/tablet/mobile” connotes how the Guardian is accessible from many new electrical devices.

Another technique is the use of voiceovers that are depicted throughout the whole trailer. The sound of the non-diegetic different ethnic accents conveyed throughout the trailer conveyed also depicts to the audience how popular the newspaper is, whilst connoting how the newspaper is reached by readers globally. This also connotes how important the issues are in the magazine and how The guardian bring them forward and turn them into viral marketing. Viral marketing starts of at 0.33 seconds on the trailer where peoples voices and messages are conveyed along the from of the close up to medium shots. The voiceovers of the real people connotes a sense of realism, whilst connoting that the Guardian is letting the readers have their say in the matter. This then further connotes that “The Guardian” include the audience within their newspaper and encourage the social discussion (Uses and gratifications-Blumler and Katz) about the issues they bring up. An example of this is: “Uche Ezugw- You have every right to protect your property”. The name “Uche Ezugw” not only connotes that this issue is being raised globally but connotes that people are socially interacting on the Guardian website, further allowing the institutions and other companies to view their opinions on the topic.

The general mise-en scene is also conveyed to be a major technique that is used to persuade the audience to consume “The Guardian”. The low key lighting, voiceovers of the readers and the slow non-diegetic music (creating enigma) not only connotes how serious this film but connotes a sense of sophistication and importance. The character within the trailer seem to be police, members of parliament, fbi and the general public which connotes  how the Guardian can unravel these stories and make them known to the world. It also connotes the type of people the newspaper is involved with and how their stories can have an astounding effect on the rest of the world. The use of these characters also informs and connotes to the newspaper how they  give the full story about these political issues and the type of people who work on these investigations, further giving us a sense of realism. Whilst, the lack of  direct mode of address throughout the trailer further gives us a sense that were are looking through the eyes of “The guardian” newspaper and that we’ll believe everything they’ll tell us.

During the disruption and recognition of the trailer, the producers of the trailer focus on the case from the “Three little pigs” perspective to the wolfs perspective of the political case. An example of this is when the newspaper headline online comes out “Three little pigs arrested for murder” and “ccTv: wolf with Inhaler”. The use of other websites such as “you tube” and “face book” not only connotes how large this issue went viral due to “The guardian” but connotes that The Guardian are trying to convey to the reader that they are an unbiased newspaper and are trying to show both sides of the opinon. This also links to Strauss’s theory of Binary opposition.

Media Institutions: How is the news represented in the advertisement

The news in the advert is conveyed all through the eyes of “The Guardian” newspaper, this is not only used to promote them but to connote that “The Guardian” are probably the most reliable and informative newspaper the audience will come across. The news in the trailer is used to how we and others reflect on society in today’s timing and convey the real life ordeals that seem to be  found quite common around the world. An example of this is: “Insurance fraud”, “Mortgage repayments” and “Homeowners right to protect their properties”. As the films based in England but their’s a lot of input globally, this connotes  that the audience will be able to self-identify experiences and simliarites between the political issues shown in the trailer.

Throughout the trailer, both diegetic and non-diegrtic voiceovers are conveyed from both Guardian” news reporters and from the audience who are protesting against the political issues, focusing on “The three little pigs”. The voiceovers of the news reporters (“how can you protect yourself in your own home“) focuses on both sides. I noticed that many of the voiceover voices that were supporting the pigs were female reporters which connotes a matriarchal society where female audiences are used because they are stereotypically more sensitive and caring.  The police/FBI voiceovers (“Little pig, little pig, let us in”) gives the audience a sense of irony and mocking of the situation  as this is similar to what the wolf says to the three little pigs in the children’s tale. However, this is then contrasted as the wolf isn’t the one looking for the pigs, the government is .This could further connote that “The Guardian” are trying to convey that in the end the government is partly to blame for these events and actions happening.. Also unlike the female reporters, the police are dressed in black clothes connoting not only dominance but a sense of patriarchal soicerty. The general mise-en scene for this clip is portraying them with guns aimed at the little pigs heads, connoting that this film takes a more serious reality approach. This then contrasts and connotes mixed messages of whether the public and the government think the pigs are in the right or wrong. It is never made quite clear who is the villain and who is the hero which could not only connote propps theory but could also connote that “The guardian” are a type of newspapr that lets it up to the audience to decide. The audience are then conveyed to being using these lean-forward emedia products and getting informed and educated aobut this issue and what is happening . The way they seem to be holding a lot of new technological equipment (I,e ipads, ipods, mobiles, web)  not only connotes that the setting of the film is set to this time but conveys how “The guardian” is accessible everywhere people go. The readers opinions  not only give us a sense of realism and connotes how popular “The guardian” is but connotes how the political issue have gone viral globally, allowing the audiences around the world to interact with each other and bond.

Near the disruption of the trailer, quotes have been taken from the “The guardian” online and used in white and black writing along the general montage and mise-en scene of the trailer. An example of this is: “Is killing the intruder ever justified” which was shown on a wall where s criminal investigator dressed in blue is walking past carrying evidence. Using this text on the wall, not only connotes that “The Guardian” are trying to inform and educate the audience as much as possible but that this topic but could also be connoting to the audience that the news from “The Guardian” is everywhere we go and that it plays a big impact in our lives. Also the headlines can be used to allow the audiences to read thorugh them briefly and leave them with rhetorical questions, leaving them to make up their own opinion.

The trailer conveys how many audiences globally are becoming involved in the political issue by the writing scrolled across the front of the camera and the news reporters voiceovers. An example of this is shown in the disruption part of the trailer where the readers of “The Guardian” are heatedly discussing and protesting against “The three little pigs” being wrongly accused. This connotes that “The Guardian” focus on real life scenario’s which have the possibility to impact the whole world.

In the trailer “The guardian” also looks at both the three littlep igs, the three little pigs and the audiences perspective which not only links to strausse’s theory of Binary opposition but also connotes that they are not a biased newspaper and will always tell both sides of the story, allowing the audience then to create an opinion which can be then posted on their website (as  shown in the trailer) This then informs and educates the reader that “The guardian” isn’t am misleading newspaper and that they will always supply the audience with enough information to allow the audience to take part in social discussion, displaying counter arguments with others about their points on whether this is right or wrong?

Audience: On the basis of this ad, who does “The Guardian” brand appeal to?

On the basis of this advertisement “The Guardian” seems to appeal to both patriarchy and matriarchy target audiences. The reason for this is that the film trailer focuses on a sensitive subject that many people are aware of nowadays and affects everyone in the world. However, the use of low-key lighting and action within the film could then connote a more matriarchal edge to the trailer as men stereotypically seem to be more interested in the news and social politics.

 “The guardian’s” use of technology within the trailer could connote that the newspaper are also trying to target a younger audience as well as an older audience. The newspaper has always been seen to be seen as quite sophisticated and stereotypically read by higher class society. However, the young actresses/actors conveyed to be using the emedia lean-forward media connotes that “The guardian” isn’t just targeting older audiences but younger audiences because they are keeping up with recent technology. Primary audience is people such as business people and working class and secondary being students or young journalists.

The way the film uses quotes from the newspapers texts not only are used to inform and educate the audience but irony

3. What issues of new technology does this ad raise and what does it tell us about the values of The Guardian?
 The issue of new technology this ad raises is that technology has changed. An example of this is 0.10 seconds into the ad, the audiences focus is on the newspaper as the guardian wants to connote with the use of cross-dissolve that now (Lean-backward media) print is in decline and (lean-forward media) Moving image and E-media platform is the most common platform as it is consumed more. This tells us that the value of the Guardian is increased as it is available on the media platform E-media connoting that the guardian is accessible to people worldwide through Internet and has used convergence of social networks to raise it values more. As social networks are the most common form used in today’s diverse society (as postmodernist society will argue) this increases values for the guardian as it will involve younger generations to read the guardian through E-media instead of purchasing. This will keep audiences interactive as well as today’s generations are more capable of using technology than a pen.

Monday, 5 March 2012

What institutional issues are raised by the topic areas?
   How are institutions reacting to change in technology?
• How are institutions attempting to reach and engage their audiences?
• What economic issues are behind the construction and distribution of contemporary media texts?
·         Institutions have to become more aware of technology as the years go by. This is because of technology  is becoming more advanced and societies interests changing. This makes it a lot harder to target particular audiences as different uses of technology targets different audiences.
·         As e-media is portrayed as one of the main major platforms to promote a film, whilst also targeting a wider range of audiences, more institutions have uploaded super 8 marketing on the web.
·         Examples of this A futuristic augmented reality tie-in for the movie Super 8 turns your smartphone into its own science fiction story. With just your iPhone and its camera, the movie's new app can turn any Super 8 poster in the United States into a video clip from the film.
·         The technology behind this comes from Autonomy, which normally plays in enterprise software.
Going to be used in future films
Aurasma's content is just one aspect of a long and complex viral marketing campaign for the film that's included a hidden url in a single frame of the movie's original teaser trailer and some extra footage hidden in the movie's iPhone app. By solving puzzles and following clues in the app and around the web Super 8 fans are able to unlock frames of this hidden video. Since the Super 8 app has already been downloaded over a million times, users have been able to work together to assemble minutes of hidden footage this way.
Once you've downloaded the Super 8 app and opened it up you'll be able to access the Aurasma content by clicking on the "AR Lens." This brings up the view from your phone's camera. Then it's just a simple matter of pointing the lens at an image like the Super 8 poster that's been "lit up"-as Autonomy refers to content that's Aurasma-enabled--and the app will recognize the image and work its magic, including but not limited to launching a game or playing video.(An earlier demo reel shows the technology can trigger more than just video clips.) One example we've seen demonstrated: Superimposing a video over an image, to make it seem as if the image came alive.

Everything about super8 links to technology. This may be because the film uses a 8mm camera and the narrative of the storyline is a group of friends filming their own film. However, this type of technology is left in 1979 and the new technology that promotes super 8 consists now.

Facebook super 8 pages.

·         582,969
·         like this
talking about this

facebook super 8 allows the audience to be able to join and become a member and be aware of the news of super 8. You can view interviews.
Facebook is a way of advertising the other media platforms to wide range of audiences.
·         Super 8 FI
·         Super 8
·         J.jabrams facebook
·         This then enables fans to make their own facebook pages
·         To promote on facebook is a great way as people globally join facebook.
·         Facts on facebook
·         More than 800 million active users
·         More than 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day
·         Average user has 130 friends
·         More than 900 million objects that people interact with (pages, groups, events and community pages)
·         On average, people on Facebook install apps more than 20 million times every day
·         Every month, more than 500 million people use an app on Facebook or experience Facebook Platform on other websites

On the official page links take you to other forms of media such as “Read the super8 comic online”

·         Webs for each actor actress,
·         We understand more about the characters. Future star appeal.

Aurasma's content is just one aspect of a long and complex viral marketing campaign for the film that's included a hidden url in a single frame of the movie's original teaser trailer and some extra footage hidden in the movie's iPhone app. By solving puzzles and following clues in the app and around the web Super 8 fans are able to unlock frames of this hidden video. Since the Super 8 app has already been downloaded over a million times, users have been able to work together to assemble minutes of hidden footage this way.